TRT in Winter Garden

What is TRT?

An informative HRT brochure in a woman's hands in Winter Garden

TRT stands for “testosterone replacement therapy.” Throughout the stages of life, our hormone levels fluctuate and can become unbalanced, contributing to symptoms like low energy, poor sleep, and sexual dysfunction. TRT can resolve these symptoms and give you a new lease on life. At Horizons OBGYN & Aesthetics, we provide expert counsel and administration of TRT in Winter Garden.

From aging and obesity to menopause and illness, a testosterone deficiency can develop for many reasons in both men and women. If you’ve been feeling off for some time, consider getting your hormone levels checked. While not everyone is suffering from a major hormonal deficiency, most people experience at least one or two periods of hormonal imbalance during their lifetime—which means that many people can benefit from hormone therapy.

Imagine feeling full of energy from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed. What would it be like to regain sexual intimacy in your life? Think of how much easier it used to be to lose fat and gain muscle. How would less brain fog and better moods impact your day-to-day? All of this is achievable. We offer TRT at Horizons OBGYN & Aesthetics because of the significant impact it can have on our patients.

The Importance of Hormone Balance

Researchers have identified over 50 hormones in the human body, each with their own unique, valuable role. Released by the endocrine system, hormones travel throughout the body to deliver “messages” for a wide variety of biological processes. The functioning of your metabolism, reproductive system, mood regulation, and more are all a product of hormones.

Many life events and lifestyle choices can cause your hormone levels to become imbalanced, including:

  • Aging
  • Pregnancy & childbirth
  • Menopause
  • Chronic stress
  • Poor diet and nutrition
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Dissatisfactory sleep
  • Certain medications or medical conditions
  • Genetics

As you can see, the causes of hormone balance are largely unavoidable. Chances are, you’ve encountered at least a few of these hormone imbalance risk factors. That’s why, if you’re not feeling your best, we recommend getting your hormone levels checked to learn if TRT in Winter Garden could benefit you.

Low Testosterone in Men

While there are many hormones in the body, testosterone stands out for playing a role in nearly every element of life. It’s crucial to your energy levels, body composition, and heart health. For men, a lack of testosterone can cause:

  • Low sex drive
  • Problems having an erection
  • Low sperm count
  • Sleep problems such as insomnia
  • Decreases in muscle size and strength
  • Bone loss
  • Increases in body fat
  • Depression
  • Trouble concentrating

A provider informs a male patient about TRT in Winter Garden

Low Testosterone in Women

Testosterone isn’t only important to men’s health, it’s also key to many of the same processes in women. For women, a lack of testosterone can cause:

  • Low sex drive
  • Lack of energy
  • Loss of strength and muscle tone
  • Infertility or trouble conceiving
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Thinning hair
  • Dry, brittle skin
  • Trouble sleeping

Different Methods of Testosterone Replacement

At Horizons OBGYN & Aesthetics, you’ll have access to different methods of hormone replacement, including pills, patches, topical creams, injections, and pellets. Considering factors like efficacy, cost, procedure, and frequency will help you choose your preferred method of testosterone replacement.


If your hormonal imbalance is significant and you value convenience, try hormone therapy pellets. After 1 brief insertion appointment, you’ll be free from thinking about hormone therapy for months. The pellet provides a 24/7 hormone secretion pattern, which is most comparable to your natural production schedule. Pellets are one of the best methods of TRT in Winter Garden.


If you have a severe hormonal deficiency, injections are an efficient delivery method. Added directly into your bloodstream, hormone injections are fast-acting and reliable.


Applied directly to the skin, hormone therapy patches are a noninvasive method of hormone replacement. They’re simple to use and require less attention than daily pills might.


Hormone therapy pills (or tablets) can be perfect for patients with suboptimal hormone levels looking to avoid invasive options. They are convenient, as they do not require insertion or regular appointments.

Topical Creams

More similar to the patch, topical creams are another noninvasive method of hormone therapy. They absorb through your skin to provide lasting enhancements.

If you’re still unsure which method you might prefer, don’t fret. Treatment at Horizons OBGYN & Aesthetics always involves a shared decision-making process between you and your medical provider. Our team will answer your questions and ensure you’re comfortable with your treatment plan before getting started.

An OBGYN tells his patient about TRT in Winter Garden


Going Beyond Testosterone

We offer hormone therapy in all of its forms; we perform estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone therapy. Here’s a breakdown if you’re unfamiliar with these sex hormones:

Testosterone: Primary male sex hormone, present in both men and women

Estrogen/estradiol: Primary female sex hormone, most popular hormone therapy as it supports women undergoing menopause

Progesterone: Steroid hormone that plays a key role in the human body, particularly in the reproductive system

Once we’ve reviewed your symptoms with your lab work results, we’ll provide a reliable treatment recommendation for both the type of hormone and method of delivery. When you come to us for TRT in Winter Garden, we weigh every treatment option thoroughly.

Addressing Misconceptions About Hormone Therapy

Like with many medical procedures, there are a variety of misconceptions and instances of misinformation surrounding hormone replacement therapy (HRT). HRT began in the 1960s and reached mainstream consciousness in the 1990s.

In 2002, the Women’s Health Initiative published an article claiming that HRT has more negative effects than beneficial ones. This study made a huge impact on the public’s opinion of HRT that has lasted decades.

Misconception 1: Hormone therapy is dangerous.

Since that 2002 study, many researchers have noted its flaws, stating the trial was “inadequately designed, evaluated, and reported.” More recent data reports that the risks of HRT were overstated and the benefits are significant.

Our staff at Horizons OBGYN & Aesthetics has extensively evaluated the clinical data on HRT. Through our decades of medical research and experience, we’ve concluded that with proper administration, the benefits of HRT far outweigh the risks. We’ve seen the ramifications of hormone imbalance in many of our patients and are keen on remedying these burdensome symptoms for them.

Misconception 2: Patients need to stop HRT after age 65.

The results of the Women’s Health Initiative study raised concerns about the use of HRT for older women, claiming it increased their risk of several chronic conditions. This study did not appropriately account for the different methods or durations of HRT. It also didn’t distinguish between bioidentical and synthetic hormones.

Several studies in more recent years show that HRT after age 65 can significantly improve the patient’s health and quality of life. Anti-aging benefits like improved bone density, a decrease in fat, and an improvement in physical function are key elements of why we perform HRT for older adults.

2 medical providers discuss testosterone replacement therapy at their practice


Bioidentical Hormones: Safe and Effective

Bioidentical hormones, often derived from plants, are chemically identical to those produced by your own body. Synthetic hormones aim to perform the same functions as natural hormones, but they aren’t chemically identical to them. Both forms are products of manufacturing in a lab setting.

Synthetic hormones have FDA approval and have been in use for decades, while bioidentical hormones have only recently gained popularity. Proponents of bioidentical hormones report evidence that they’re safer and more effective than synthetic hormones.

At Horizons OBGYN & Aesthetics, we perform bioidentical and synthetic TRT in Winter Garden because we’ve seen beneficial results from both types of hormones. We want our patients to have comprehensive treatment access and the power to make their own decisions. Your Horizons medical provider will work with you to make a treatment decision that is informed and personalized to your needs.

Comprehensive Approach at Horizons

Our team will work tirelessly to resolve the symptoms that get in your way while still considering your overall wellness, sexual health, weight loss, aesthetic concerns, and more. By combining TRT with traditional and integrative medical approaches, we achieve optimal patient outcomes.

From obstetrics and gynecology to hormone replacement therapy and medical weight loss to wrinkle relaxers and Emsculpt NEO body contouring, our practice performs a wide array of wellness services. We approach everything we do holistically—a whole-body perspective that seeks to address your problems comprehensively.

At Horizons OBGYN & Aesthetics, we can run cost effective in-house labs, analyze the results, recommend a solution, and get started with your treatment all under 1 roof.

A woman opening the front door of Horizons OBGYN & Aesthetics to get TRT in Winter Garden


Learn if TRT Is Right for You at Horizons OBGYN & Aesthetics

TRT can relieve burdensome symptoms and provide a range of benefits for both men and women. Whether you’re looking to enhance your physical performance, treat erectile dysfunction, or reduce the symptoms of aging, TRT could be right for you.

When you’re seeking TRT in Winter Garden, it’s important to find a medical provider that you trust. At Horizons OBGYN & Aesthetics, we prioritize forming a close relationship with each of our patients to enhance your experience and our care.

To get a first-hand feel for our services and have your hormone levels checked, book an appointment today.

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Continue reading: Bioidentical vs. Synthetic Hormone Therapy